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for kids


Welcome to our multilingual flashcard app for kids!

Our app helps children learn new words and phrases in multiple languages with fun, interactive games and activities.

Sign up for a free account and start helping your child learn new languages today!
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Available in a wide range of topics. These flashcards are all completely free to download and use - ad free and no sign up require. (Coming soon)

Your are your child's first teacher.

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Free Alphabet Flash Cards

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Free Number Flash Cards

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Free Shape Flash Cards

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Free Color Flash Cards

How to download flashcards

Build your child's language skills with our fun and interactive flashcards!


A wide range of totally free flashcards supported with videos to help young learners learn ABC, numbers, shapes & much more.


Learn, teach and play.

How It Works
Why Us

Everybody Loves Little Lingo!

The alphbet letter T

I love this app! Little Lingo makes learning new words so much fun!

Abby, 5 year old


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Kid's Ed Choice

(Best App 2023)

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Parents & Children Digest

(Editor's Choice)

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Best Flash Cards For Toddlers

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Best Flashcards For 3 Year Olds 

Try our flashcards app for free!

Our app will help make learning multiple languages fun and easy.


With a wide variety of flashcards, your child will quickly learn new words in the language of their choice.


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Buzzing Bee

Little lingo

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